2823/3 อาคารมายออฟฟิศ ชั้นที่ 2
ห้องเลขที่ 235 ถ.เจริญกรุง บางคอแหลม กทม. 10120


What Is Content Claim Standard (CCS)?

The aim of the Content Claim Standard (CCS) is to ensure the accuracy of content claims. The CCS accomplishes this goal by verifying the presence and amount of a given raw material in a final product. It provides a strong chain of custody system from the source to the final product and can becertifiedbyGCL. It allows for transparent, consistent, and comprehensive independent evaluation and verification of material content claims on products.

The Standard is a business to business tool to substantiate content claims of products. To this end, the CCS also serves as the chain of custody foundation for other Textile Exchange content claim standards that a redeveloped around specific raw materials (e.g. organic, recycled). For application of CCS requirements too there standards, each reference of “CCS” in the Content Claim Standard shall be understood as that standard’s name. The CCS logo cannot be used as a consumer-facing logo.

The Standard does not cover the Certification of the raw material itself that will be verified independent of the production process Certification. The CCS also does not address processing inputs (e.g. chemicals), environmental aspects of processing(e.g.energy or water usage), social issues, safety issues, or legal compliance. This allows the Standard to be used with any input material and can apply to any supply chain.

GCL International’s Accredited Scope For GRS Includes:

The CCS certification process:

Application & Contract

You can apply online for the CCS Certification or complete the Application form and return it to GCL International Ltd. head office or one of our local office. We will use the application details to produce a quotation.

Once the quotation has been accepted, we will ask you to return a signed copy of the quotation and our Scheme Rules.

Preparation For The Initial CCS Certification Audit

The following documents are supplied prior to the initial certification:

Initial Certification Audit

Following the completion of the inspection, a report detailing the findings is provided. Subject to the closure of any nonconformances or findings (if any), a Scope Certificate is issued.